Ikureader [3] is an eBook reader for the Nintendo DS and DSi. It reads FB2, TXT and ePUB files. Readmore Alpha is an alpha version release of a TXT reader for the Nintendo DS and DS Lite. I've seen many people asking about how to make use of their NDS Console as an E-Book Reader. PS: The best homebrew in the above list so far as I've tested is Ikureader. IkuReader ist ein eBook Reader fur den Nintendo DS. Anwendungen. Tags. IkuReader. More Entries by this user. _Homebrew/DiiGiiTaLDPG 1.0/DiiGiiTaLDPG 1.0 By DiiGiiTaL.zip. 35.1 MB. _Homebrew/IkuReader/IkuReader_065_.zip. кажется, полноценная читалка для DS. code.google.com/p/ikureader/ Предлагает: - txt, fb2 and partial epub support - unicode support (utf-8) - normal and book-like layouts - install your favorite IkuReader_065_.zip. Moonshell_v2.10_(Final)_(Stable)_(Nintendo_DS).zip. IkuReader.
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